
To understand and conserve at least 12 Priority Areas for Plant Conservation by supporting the sustainable use of their natural resources and increasing the natural capital of their peripheral zones taking into account the knowledge and practices of local communities and promoting awareness, empowerment and capacity building of stakeholders to improve the living conditions of humanity.


This makes us proud , one reason from each of MBG’s conservation site for 2023


Changement de comportement de la communauté après l'implication directe et indirecte des autorités sur la conservation de la forêt d'Agnalazaha


Implication active des communautés locales dans la gestion et conservation de la Reserve d'Analalava


Le projet de business sur la vente des graines marche bien, des commandes des clients sont reçues incessament


Engagement des 45 jeunes élèves dans la conservation active de leur patrimoine naturel de la Reserve Ankafobe


Participation effective de la population locale sur les activités de restauration écologique

Ibity Massif

Solidarité entre sites MBG lors du trail d'Ibity 2023


Les communautés locales sont motivés et s'impliquent activement dans la mise en oeuvre des activités dans la gestion de l'Aire Protégée Makirovana Tsihomanaomby


Leçon apprise à Oronjia : l'Agroforesterie dynamique, une approche testée, pour restaurer le capital naturel et améliorer le bien être des paysans

Pointe à Larrée

Filière charbon vert de niaouli, lutter contre l'invasion de cette espèce envahissante dans la fôret littorale et les lacs, améliorer l'entreprise communautaire


Promouvoir des recherches permanents dans la fôret participe à la contrôle des infractions, cas du suivi des lémuriens


Festival de biodiversité 2ème Edition, particpation de plus de 1200 membres communautés avec des autorités de l'Etat venus spécialement

Five years goals

MALAGASY CONSERVING MADAGASCAR’S NATURAL HERITAGE FOR MALAGASY Natural ecosystems in the eleven PAPCs including their surrounding landscapes are conserved while maintaining harmonious and enriching relationships between the Malagasy people and their natural heritage and providing positive economic impacts on climate change and local actors, thanks to increasingly decentralized national leadership but with accompaniment as needed.

The five underlying principles of Conservation Unit

We believe that good management strategies can be developed only when based on thorough understanding of each site’s specific human, physical, and biological environment and the particular opportunities and threats that flow from this context.
We reject both the unthinking implementation of activities at a succession of sites irrespective of need and decision-making based on unsupported preconceptions.
Rather, we develop work plans based on the collection and analysis of information.
When methods are unproven, they are monitored and tested using an experimental approach.

Although Madagascar’s flora and fauna are highly valued by scientists and much appreciated by tourists, we believe that the primary beneficiaries of conservation should be local people.
Never would we want to exclude locals from their natural heritage and create reserves that serve only researchers, tourists, and other outsiders.
Such an approach would be both unfair and ultimately unlikely to result in long-term biodiversity conservation.
To avoid such exclusion while still achieving conservation is a major challenge that requires valorizing each area for local stakeholders, developing in them a sense of ownership and responsibility for the site, and empowering them to oversee the sustainable management of the natural resources in their area, there by creating a “stewardship paradigm” in which it makes more sense for them to use natural wealth sustainably than to squander it..

We believe that durable conservation projects must be inclusive and must involve those from all groups in society, including the young, the elderly, women, the economically less advantaged, and new immigrants.
Often it is the young and the new immigrants to an area who, lacking their own land, are forced to seek their livelihoods from the non-sustainable exploitation of natural resources.
Although quick results can be obtained by focusing efforts on winning the support of the powerful, there is often a rapid turnover among these people, and today’s powerful ally can be quickly replaced by his/her competitor, with disastrous results for the project.
To understand fully the threats to a site and to develop effective methods to diminish these threats requires the full engagement of the entire community..

Most rural Malagasy are conservative and sometimes slow to adopt innovations.
Therefore, community-based conservation must find ways of working with traditions and, where possible, valorize local cultures to achieve the project’s objectives.
Often, conservation approaches are perfectly consistent with local cultures and their acceptability much enhanced if framed in this context.
In addition, we believe that unwritten societal rules are more powerful in controlling abusive exploitation of natural resources than is national legislation, and certainly more resilient to the whims of national politicians.

In many conservation organizations, the best people are based at headquarters, managing projects from far away through locally recruited intermediates, using simple “one size fits all” solutions that regularly yield disappointing results.
There is little opportunity or motivation to develop the personal commitment and understanding needed to fight for the kind of change that is urgently required or to grasp and deal with the complex and site-specific causes of environmental degradation.
To avoid this scenario, at MBG-Madagascar we place our best people closest to the problem, challenge them to understand the complex reasons for the environmental degradation in their communities, and trust and empower them to work with local stakeholders to develop and implement an effective program of activities to achieve for their project goal.

Location of our community-based conservation projects

Click on marker for further information



-Shared Resources – Joint Solutions (SRJS) is a 5-year strategic partnership between IUCN NL, WWF Netherlands and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (from 2016 to 2020). Together with over 50 NGOs and civil society organisations in 16 low- and middle-income countries and international partners. SRJS aims to safeguard healthy, biodiverse ecosystems in order to protect climate resilience, the water supply and food security, it is done so by strengthening the joint capacities to increase the influence in multi-stakeholder partnerships with governments and businesses.

In Madagascar, the initiative SRJS is implemented in two site, Ampasindava and Soalala, by a consortuim formed by five organisations.

Aliance Voahary Gasy (AVG), a Platform of civil society is the technical lead of all activities ; Malagasy NGO Fanamby, a transversal support and facilitation of private sector commitments, Malagasy Association Famelona, manager of Ampasindava landscape, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, in charge of activities in Soalala landscape, and Missouri Botanical Garden, in charge of the financial management of the consortium and represent IUNC -NL.

  – SRJS Madagascar 2017-2018, Summury report.

As in Madagascar SRJS is implemented Philippines. An exchange on mineral resources governance has been organized between SRJS Madagascar and SRJS Philippines. During the exchange a forum of mutli stakeholders in mine sector of Madagascar held in Antananarivo.

  – Madagascar – Philippines learning exchange, Reports.
  – Madagascar – Philippines learning exchange, forum of mutlistakeholders, Reports.
  – Madagascar – Philippines learning exchange, forum of mutlistakeholders, press book.
  – Madagascar – Philippines learning exchange, documentary film.
ABD books link learning with natural and cultural heritage Too often Malagasy children are remote from their natural and cultural heritage. Themed ABD books (there is no C in Malagasy) can help bridge this gap. Here you can download two versions of these publications one has a national focus while the other was especially created to serve the Bara children living around the Analavelona Sacred Forest.

– Randrianarivony et al. 2018. Boky ABD Malagasy anehoana an’Agnalavelo sy ireo Bara manodidina.
– Ramaroson 2016. Boky Abidy Malagasy ho an’ny natiora.
– ABD Poster Ankafobe Version finale.
– ABD Book Vohidava_Betsimalaho.
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