Most native Malagasy trees are threatened by high rates of forest loss, but species valued for their timber are additionally threatened by aggressive and typically unsustainable selective exploitation. Consequently, even within remaining forests, these species are unnaturally rare and even locally absent. Such is the case in three protected areas where MBG supports community-based conservation: Analalava; Ankarabolava-Agnakatrika; and Makirovana-Tsihomanaomby. To ensure that these species are effectively conserved and flourish once again at these sites, we propose to implement three linked strategies :
1) forest policing to prevent commercial exploitation of timber and shifting cultivation ;
2) provision of alternative timber sources for the community in the degraded landscape surrounding the forest ;
3) restoration of degraded forest within the protected areas using a species mix including seedlings of threatened timber species.
We are fortunate to have received a grant from the Franklina Foundation to help us over three years to implement a program of activities included within the last of these strategies.
The tree species targeted in this project are all species that are recognized as being threatened and also exploited for their wood.
They are as follows :
| Ankarabolava-Agnaktrika
| Makirovana-Tsihomanaomby
In addition, all species of Sapotaceae growing within these protected areas are targeted by the Project since, although the risk of extinction of most species has not yet been evaluated, we believe that most are threatened due to being exploited preferentially for timber. These are not named here since the taxonomic classification of these species remains unclear and the risk of extinction for most has not yet been published. The three sites combined probably include some 20 species of Sapotaceae.
Prized threatened timber species flourish once again in the three target protected areas
Objective 1 : At end of Year 1, the presence, identity and status of the 13 target threatened timber species (+ca. 20 species of Sapotaceae) is confirmed and information is available on their habitat to guide the development of restoration plans and also to direct the collection of their seed.
Objective 2 : By end of Year 1, at each of the three sites, our restoration ecologist, the protected area manager, the local community, and representatives of local and regional government understand and agree on the planned restoration work, designed within a framework of internationally recognized best practice and adapted to our knowledge of specificities.
Objective 3 : By end Year 2, 50,000 seedlings of native trees including 10% seedlings of target threatened timber species are available at each site to implement the restoration plans.
Objective 4 : By end of Year 3 at least 40,000 (anticipating 20% mortality after 12 months) robust seedlings of native trees, including 10% seedlings of target threatened timber species, are growing at each of the three protected areas within multiple restoration plots totally 25 hectares.
2- Concertation of stakeholders at each site, under the leadership of the restoration ecologist, to develop an agreed and model restoration plan.
3- Production of 50,000 seedlings of native trees, including the threatened target timber species, for use in restoration at each site.
4- Launching restoration of 25 hectares of critically degraded forest within each of the three protected areas using a mix of species, including the target threatened timber species.
Plan de restauration Ankarabolava Agnakatrika
Plan de restauration Analalava
Plan de restauration Makirovana Tsihomanaomby
2- Fixed-point photos of restoration sites
3- Map distribution
– FRA-TTT final results – Analalava
– FRA-TTT final results – Ankarabolava
– FRA-TTT final results – Makirovana-Tsihomanaomby
– FRA-TTT final results – summary
– FRA-TTT final results – target species
– Progress status of target species
– Progress project in nursery
– Inventory of SAPOTACEAE at the 3 sites of intervention
– Rapport technique reboisement janvier 2020
– Rapport technique reboisement février 2020
– Rapport technique reboisement aout 2020
– Rapport technique reboisement septembre 2020
– Rapport technique reboisement décembre 2020
– Rapport technique reboisement AA janvier 2021
– Rapport technique reboisement AA février 2021
– Rapport technique reboisement AA mars 2021
– Rapport technique reboisement AA avril 2021
– Rapport technique reboisement AA mai AA 2021
– Rapport technique reboisement AA juin 2021
– Rapport technique reboisement AA Juillet 2021
– Rapport technique reboisement AA aout 2021
– Rapport technique reboisement AA septembre 2021
– Rapport technique reboisement AA octobre 2021
– Rapport technique reboisement AA novembre 2021
– Rapport technique reboisement AA décembre 2021
– Rapport technique reboisement AA janvier 2022
– Rapport technique reboisement AA février 2022
– Rapport technique reboisement AA mars 2022
– Rapport technique reboisement AA avril 2022
– Rapport technique reboisement AA mai 2022
– Rapport technique reboisement AA juin 2022.docx
– Rapport technique reboisement AA juillet 2022.docx
– Rapport technique reboisement AA août 2022.docx